Thursday, February 03, 2005

Lost in limbo

I've been trying to get a post through on to the blog for the last twenty four's sitting there in edit limbo, laughing at me. Nothing very exciting, and actually by now superseded.
In that, it's a photo of a crochet sample for the next project, plus some wittering - and the wittering has come to pass, by which I mean that I am going to seriously investigate WEAVING the yarn in question.
I did a three day introduction to four-shaft weaving course at Convergence last year which was incredibly good. Very no-nonsense, basic stuff. We whapped on two little warps all by ourselves, which was exactly what I wanted. The actual weaving was quite a revelation to me - everything that I had been shown or told previously had to go out the window. Warps did not have to be particularly taut on the loom, and we were positively shouted at if we beat down to hard! Now, I do know that it is as ever a case of "it depends". But in this instance, what we were shown should work with what I have.
So, when I get back from Cornwall, I am going to attempt the maths to see if I have enough to do what I want to do, and then give it a go. (Always supposing that I don't get another mad idea in the meantime, or bottle out.)
Yes, Cornwall, we are off to spend the week in our usual winter cottage, near to Pete's mum. The advantage of the farm is that they have a little heated indoor swimming pool, so if the weather is frightful we can get some civilised exercise. But the last couple of years, the weather has been balmy and springlike, we have spent lots of time outside, including picnicking on beaches various, or sitting out on the patio at the back of the cottage with cups of coffee. Writing that, I nearly shivered with delight - I do hope we get the same this year, even though winter should not yet be over. The thought of a gently bask...ok, don;t get overexcited, I'm not talking Floridian temperatures here! Just, nice enough to sit comfortably out of the wind wearing jeans and sweatshirts.
The car needs to be packed with holiday essentials. These include: knitting, beading, crochet stuff (I'm finally attempting a tapestry crochet bag in a wool/sari silk mix that I bought at SOAR last year) and my Bosworth charka with a supply of cotton, oh, and spindles. Then, various books both light and heavy, and music cds. We always take far more than we can ever hope to get stuck in to, but it's the travelling hopefully thing, the potential for having time to spend on all this stuff. Plus, I tend to take something with me when spending time with Pete's mum. She is lovely, and I enjoy visiting, but the pair of them chat away and I find myself quiet in my corner, believe it or not. They are not excluding me, it just works out that way.
It should be a nice week whatever. I'll take some photos!


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