Thursday, February 03, 2005

crochet sample

crochet samples, originally uploaded by maryplain.

OK, let's try again - I attempted to upload this yesterday, but it got mired in a no-man's-land between Blogger's edit page and my actual blog. Of course, we could now get two versions....
So, I have set hook to yarn. And, really, I dunno. This is where spinning for a project can fall down with a gawdalmighty crash. When I spun this yarn, from a roving dyed by Freyalynn, I had just finished a crochet shawl that I rather liked, but felt that I Could Do Better. So, this got spun for crochet, ie as an S-spun single. Which means that I am stuck with it, if I try knitting with it, it will fall apart in me hands, guv. Or, there is quite a risk of that, anyway. But now I am in to that do I really like crochet any more whine (in truth, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, nothing like being decisive, eh??) What I need is to come up with a shape that I like, as with the previous shawl. I did a trawl through patterns online earlier, seeking inspiration. Oh, yuck. I suppose, for me, the dilemma is that I love doing crochet, the physical act of forming a fabric with a hook in that way, it feels good in my hands. Familiarity, maybe? But all too often, the end result is just so...well, yuck does describe it pretty well! (I don't feel that the same is true of the tapestry crochet style, but that is not really good for clothing, too boardlike. Excellent for bags, though.) I do sometimes see designs from other people that I like - I actually think that it has something to do with my style of spinning, which tends to the firmly twisted, worsted, crisp variety. With a softer yarn, the stitches bed in rather better, possibly. There is one alternative that keeps sneaking up on me from behind. Could I weave with this yarn? It's the thought of attempting it and having the entire thing disintegrate on me, and having to confess to Freyalynn that I had wasted all her work as well as mine........and even if it did work out, just whatever would I do with the fabric? Excuse me while I just pull the duvet over my head!


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