Sunday, February 13, 2005

Entry sans pics

Because Pete has a load of seascapes on the camera, and I can't be bothered to upload and file them. Maybe tomorrow, I want to have some sea in my blog...I miss the sea. Did manage a few visits this trip, much better than last time, but no basking in the afternoon sun, and no picnics. Although we did do the Malpas thing at the beginning of the week, which was rather better weatherwise than later on.
In short, not a bad week at all. DMIL was seemingly very well, if obviously lonely, and I can't always resist some small feelings of crossness. But she is great, really, and always so interested in what I am doing, which is more than...oh, shut up, Carol.
The weather not being toadaly* brilliant, did actually do a lot of the things that I had wanted to do - listen to lots of music, including the whole of Otello and Falstaff, not to mention the Beatles number ones and some Dire Straits, just to show that we are not complete cultural snobs. Plus finishing the socks, doing a pair of wristwarmers, and a large chunk of a tapestry crochet bag that so far is working out quite well. I also set up my charka and did spend a couple of evenings with that. Which I did enjoy, but the main problem is getting in to the correct physical position, which is much harder than you might imagine. I actually think that I might have done better getting the smaller Bosworth charka, from that point of view....too late now. Otherwise, it is a great tool and I do like using it, so will make every effort to Keep Up The Good Work.
I did also bead a bit, have nearly got to the end of the purple herringbone rope. Also, visited two beads shops. The one in St Ives was probably the best I have seen in the UK - good job I am only likely to get there once or twice a year, but they have a very good catalogue, and having seen them in person, I will order quite happily now. But as I have enough beads and ideas in my head to last for the next millennium - (I am exaggerating, and anyway, just what has that got to do with the price of fish??)
The big news whilst down in Cornwall was the announcement of the engagement of dear Charles and Camilla. Yawn. (So, why am I reading all about it in the papers, then, eh? Answer me that.) Actually, reading through all the twaddle does make me see even more clearly just what an irrelevance it all is to life as she is lived by most of us. However, as the new ma'am is to be known as Duchess (per-lease!) of Cornwall, the media were out there doing vox pops all over the place. The Cornish were not too thrilled with the notion, I can tell you. Then, today's paper came up with the brilliant suggestion that they are doing it now in order to help get some regularity back into Harry's life. Dear gawd almighty. Any fule no what ails him. Firstly, too much money, and people bowing and scraping to him, plus other stuff no doubt. But wise old grannyw said at the funeral of his mother, there will be trouble with that lad, you mark my words - and I was right. Poor little shrimp, parents warring in private and public, and then having to go through that horrendous funeral wearing the Battenburg stiff upper lip, marching along between adults who in another era would have been meeting at dawn with swords and seconds, snarling over the funeral baked meats, watched over all by the others in that disfunctional family with grim disapproval writ large on their faces. It was horrible to see. He needed to be allowed to blub away to his heart's release, and then quite possibly handed over to some nice normal counsellor to help sort him out. Can't you just see that happening!
*I'm going to return to toads at this point. (Indeed, though - had I left them??) Friday morning, spring sprung hugely obviously on our own doormat at the cottage, with a pair of toads, linked seemingly for all time in coitus uninterruptus. We moved them very carefully so we didn't have to keep stepping over them, and they were last seen lurching away through the wet grass, still one on top of the other. I do hope that moving them didn't render them permanently inseparable....
And I will return to fibre, FO's and other more relevant stuff - tomorrow? Soon.
Nice to be back.


1 comment:

Charleen said...

Welcome home! I was going to say sorry at no pictures, but after the description of your dear toads, guess I'm glad you didn't post any :-)