Wednesday, March 22, 2006

An ordinary day

I was woken up at 6.45 by virtue of the room being lighter than usual. Amazing! A beautiful sunny morning. Mind you, any ideas about going outside with a cup of coffee were rapidly jettisoned when I opened the door and a blast of extremely frigid air knifed in to the room. Ah, well, it is still a glorious morning.

I had my usual mental list of the things that had to be accomplished today Or Else. And top of that list was to phone my mother. Now, I do acknowledge that I am not a good daughter. I neither visit or phone as often as I "should". There are reasons for this, I don't need to bore on about them, or bare my soul in an unseemly fashion. That's just how things are. But with it being Mothers' Day on Sunday, and us having booked a table at a nice restaurant, I did think I should let her know that! I had meant to do it yesterday, and didn't, so this morning was imperative.

My subconscious was speaking to me. Three years ago today, my father died. So it was serendipitous that I finally got around to making the call this morning.

Unexpectedly, Spin Off arrived in this morning's post. I fell on it, barely managing not to rip any pages, in my fight to find the SOAR ad, always such an exciting moment. I had been given a sneak preview of the workshops, but not the retreat session.

OK, so don't get me wrong here. There are some super people doing some excellent classes. Unfortunately, I have either done them, don't really need them, or they simply are not my style. Depending on what the full details give when they finally go up on the website, I can just about scrape three choices, although there is only one class that I really want to do. Retreat sessions? Forget it. Not one thing. I had hoped at least that Charlene Abrams might have been doing her beaded button class again, but no. So, that's him and me touring the Tahoe area for a couple of days then. Not that that seems such a dim idea. And this is always supposing they let us in again after our absence last year........

Do I sense the end of an era coming on?

So, now I go to make cabbage soup. Yes, really. Our veggie box scheme has given us rather a lot of white cabbage the last couple of weeks, and we have in the archive a recipe. We used to love it - I'm not quite sure why I am feeling somewhat underwhelmed at the prospect of it now. Plenty of black pepper and caraway seeds, that's the ticket.

Well, the alternative would be swede soup, and I do draw the line at that!

1 comment:

SOAR Staff said...

Carol, all the details are up at for SOAR 2006. Please do check it out, you might be pleasantly surprised by some of the retreat details. Also, we just started a SOAR blog at that might be of interest to you.