Friday, August 11, 2006


Brilliant subject line, eh? We shall see.....

Yesterday, the Coven came to lunch. I did the savoury stuff, fed them on my favourite goodies - poached fresh salmon, smoked salmon, an asparagus quiche made with my own fair hands fresh that morning, salad, homemade potato salad from a new an interesting recipe (no time now), Kettle chips, really nice cheeses and olive bread made by the DSM. Oh, and Prosecco. Nanny Ogg made a luscious Guinness chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting, and there was a really nice trifle.

We sat and knitted, talked, spun and ate and drank. Were very silly, and laughed a lot. The only thing wrong was that the Fabulous Freyalynn was missing, stuck at home with her head in a bucket. (Don't ask - get well soon!) By the time the DSM arrived home at 5pm to be a taxi service, we were mellow. Lovely day.

The dear things gave me these:

beady goodies

Very pretty beady goodies, hours of fun and enjoyment. That's what I call a present!

OK. He's at home again today, but not for work. We're off on a Grand Day Out. Which might be the clue?

Yup. Nearly the end of this on-going saga.

Off to see what's in the.....


Happy Birthday to me - only I'll spare myself the singing!

1 comment:

Freyalyn said...

I was utterly disgusted with myself yesterday, as my illness was completely self-inflicted through simple stupidity. I wasn't even upright until midafternoon. And look what a nice day I missed! I'm so glad a good time was had by everyone else though. Glad you like the beads - I'm going back there soon now Liz has corrupted me.