I woke up this morning (no, I'm not going to sing) and realised that I have been keeping a blog for over a year now. On a fairly decent regular basis. So I started musing upon the why. Most of the reasons that I came up with in that first post still hold good. One of the most significant for me is to help me keep a focus on what I am actually or am about to be working on, fibre and bead wise. I am finding this particularly important at the moment as I am definitely in a drifting-on-the-current mode, doing stuff, the ongoing stuff, but nothing.......well, nothing that hums. Set something down here and it assumes a strange and different kind of reality, and I will deal with it at some point, either to say, nah, not what I want, not right, not going to do it, (or, this point may come after actually starting the whatever) or I work slowly away on the object in question until completion. At which point I go through the whole assessment process and...but, however laborious and silly it may seem to some, for me it is working.
The other impetus is putting words on paper (well, you know what I mean, and I shall in some wise return to this in a moment). From a relatively early age, I made various attempts at diary-keeping, and to the relief of all not least me, none of those survive or we would all be washed away on a sickly tide of juvenile/teenage angst and lust. (Not sure which is worse.) Given that I am prone, as I have confessed here before, to occasionally googling the odd teenage crush....but I digress. Anyway, that is working, too. Not great, ground-breaking/cutting-edge-innovative Literature (stop sniggering), but I am enjoying and having fun with it, and it stops me being a nuisance whining on about how I always wanted to write the great novel. What I do not totally understand is why I chose to go public with it all. I do solemnly swear, it isn't really in character.
In part, it is a lemming thing, I guess. The fashion. Look at all those people, golly, it would be so cool to do that. And there really are some very fascinating, readable and informative blogs out there. But also a fair amount of dross. Or worse. Dare I hope that I come somewhere in between? And does it matter? Whatever, it is a strange business. It is, in part, a connection thing, I truly love the way we can now all keep up with and in a very little way share the lives of friends - and strangers. This is excellent. You only have to think of things like Baghdad Burning or my personal favourite, 360 Degrees of Sky
to see the gently subversive possibilities. (And yes, I do see how this could work in exactly the opposite way, but am not going to argue that case just now.)
I do not fall in to that category. So, am I in the main, blowing my own trumpet? That isn't quite the right cliche, it has more to do with liking the sound of my own voice. Well - in a burst of honesty - yes. But I do in fact think that not such a bad thing. From my own point of view, I mean, anyone else can quite well choose to switch off my twitterings and ignore me. I have a voice, and dammit, I am going to use it.....get used to it.
The old thought processes then wandered off in a different direction, into the nature of blogging in the technical sense. Please don't panic. I have little or no understanding of the phenomenon, simply love to marvel at it. That I can sit and peck away at the little plastic squares set in the bigger plastic oblong in front of me, for once unencumbered by a siamese bottom, a few more dit sit whir whirs and thousands of miles away someone can, should they be mad enough, choose to read it. I find it totally weird that I can direct my mouse to a little icon just above this box where my words are appearing as I dit dit, and this
will appear (or not, I can't at this point actually see anything!)
Returning to this, I find at the top of the page, and move to here what appears to be the html/instruction/thingy that should place the aforementioned image of moi before your very eyes with a few key-strokes. If so, it's a real wow moment, that I can do it, that Blogger, based in the US can somehow reach in to my pc and yank out one of my photos. Some no doubt find this scary - I actually don't in these particular circumstances, as it is me choosing to do it and it is seemingly under my control. That I would not want anyone doing it nefariously goes without saying, but that is what McAfee is for (crossing fingers).
I love magic in its many manifestations. This is Pratchettian magic at its finest!
Hey hey, what a lot of burbling, and barely a jot or tittle of fibre. Tough titty. I can burble if I want to, and everyone else can choose to ignore me.
Gotta love it.
(and yes, that is me)
1 comment:
I enjoyed your burblings! I got a little worried when I saw your picture though. Is that the cliffhanger? "Will the vines keep her captive in the garden?"
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