Friday, September 24, 2004

Disappeared into the far blue yonder

Is what the post I wrote yesterday did. Heaven only knows why, it really, really wasn't me, blogger or windows did it all by their little selves.
Wot I wote - in a very abbreviated version. Lots of very bad language about uploading photos, basically. Having spent a while with the camera and some of my stuff, still couldn't do it.
I am seeking help (do not say one single word!!!!) and all I can say is "watch this space". Every other blogger in the world can do this, and one day I will be able to as well. She says, feeling totally stupid.

It was Thursday yesterday, I seem to recall. Anyway, the coven met, very pleasantly, and I sat and knitted waistcoat strips. It occurred to me, driving home, that I really should see how sewing them together works before knitting them all - then if it is a total disaster, I won't have invested too much time and effort into the project. It should work, I see no reason why not, if I go slowly and carefully - I need what I think might be called "mattress stitch" (and now having written that, I'm not so convinced) but what I mean is where the pieces lay flat and are joined butted up against one another, rather than oversewn. Well, I know what I mean. I might try that later on.
The little blue hat is progressing, I am doing a crab stitch edging and will then finish off with a multi-coloured trim. I'm not sure...It looks a bit clunky, but crochet often does until completely finished. I'm going to persevere, anyway, too much not finishing or even not starting because of lack of faith in my abilities! I like crochet. I have the urge at the moment to do more of it, hence spinning Freyalyn's orange cheviot as "S" singles. I am a bit afraid that I am not going to have enough of that to make much of anything, but I guess I could ask her to dye me some more.

Oh, well, off to hunt up a few things on Google for me, my class &etc. and to play !capture the picture again for a while?


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