Sunday, January 25, 2009

A new name for Barni

I'll come to that in a minute.

First, a warning - no photographs! My little Samsung is having a hissy fit. Every time I try to upload images, the pc goes frantically dingdongdingdong and screens flash at me and mayhem breaks out. I'll take it in to the camera shop on Tuesday, and hope that it can be fixed before we go to Cornwall on Friday.

Up until yesterday I had thought that the problem was with the memory card, but we had friends to lunch to discuss a project we are working on and I had to take a photo. Which I did using both cards, and neither worked. Bug er it.

The project is to try to start a spinning group in the Upper Valley - there seem to be more and more spinners coming out of the, that doesn't sound very friendly, I'll have to think of a better way of expressing it! Anyway, there are apparently more of us, and there may well be others, so we are going to try to find out. So, a very nice lunch and chat and a modicum of work, and a great chunk of Saturday was gone.

Lunch was my favourite roasted pepper and sweet potato soup, which I realised came originally from "Vegetarian Express" by Rose Elliott. This as I was browsing through it as my cookery book of the week. I ended up making a lovely spinach, potato and chick pea spiced dish, served with yogurt and naan bread. Not exactly curry, but close. Pretty healthy, and great comfort food.

By some misjudgement, although I suppose that it doesn't matter really, I did the two "challenge" days back to back. The other was from a BBC Good Food book of veggie food, and was a cheat really, although none the less tasty for that. Cous cous mixed with a jar of pepper antipasto, with halloumi and mushrooms. Very quick, even with the added stir-fried pak choi, and again, tasty.

Back to macaroni cheese tonight!

Today, we had a Rav + others knitting meet-up at The Bear, in Tod. I was having a good time, but had to leave sooner than I wouod have chosen as I had to go and see a friend over in Colne. Not that that was a problem, of course, just a time-conflict! I needed to drop something off with her, but I also wanted to see the latest hatching of snowshoe kittens (aren't you glad my camera is broken....?) Teeny weeny and impossibly cute. But I don't have kitten-envy this time - my own two, although great big grown up cats now, still fill that role.

And so to Barni - who, whilst being cuddled in the bathroom last night, as one does, reached his paws out one, two and tapped the DSM on each cheek. And then lifted up his head, and grabbed hold of a chunk of beard and tugged.

So - Barni Beardbiter. Very Scandiwegian!


Fluzz said...

Hehehe, like the name.

I'm intrigued by the upper valley spinning group, keep us updated :)

Not spun again since yesterday, I spent my time between shifts in bed, much needed.

kim said...
