Monday, December 26, 2005

merry, merry

Well, I have survived the festivities! Not without a certain amount of stress, but then it wouldn't be Christmas with that, now would it? What is more, obviously some of my friends and relations have some understanding of me, because they have launched me into the year a'coming with gifts of Bombay Sapphire gin and Jack Daniels.

What?? Well, I dunno yet. This was a present from the DSM, who has been heartily amused by not only me listening to Virgin Radio at mega volume whilst driving my car, but also me swooning helplessly whenever I hear the voice of whoever does the voice-over for the JD ad thereon. If you are a "Lost" fan, think Sawyer. Mmmm...

Gives self mental shake and awakens from reverie.

We went out for our Christmas dinner, most unusual for us, but it was great. We went on foot, clambering up the rocky path rather than clomping through the bog that is the riverside one. This was in the gathering dusk, but still quite light enough to see where we were treading. Enough but not too much in the way of food and drink, and very pleasant company. Talked a lot, played a silly game, cuddled animals, and even had a burst of real carol singing around the piano (well, we personally didn't, than goodness) Our host is a proper musician with a very nice voice, and the others who could hold a tune joined in - well, tunefully. We tottered back down the path around eleven, three of us all in a row like ducks, each with a torch, and no-one fell down!

Today, we allowed ourselves to sleep really late, had a late brunch, and I am about to go and cook our Christmas feast of cashew nut roast, roast potatoes and parsnips, sprouts, bread sauce, sage, onion and cranberry stuffing, maybe gravy if I have time. Then Christmas pudding, brandy butter and clotted cream. Sounds gross, eh? Not too much so - we will again be fairly abstemious and therefore have lots of leftovers for tomorrow. We have been for a little tiny walk (the DSM is out as I speak running fleet-footed over the moor - well, he has to preserve those 34 year old lungs somehow!)

So, all in all, pretty cool. Treats to come - the Christmas special Dr Who taped of the telly yesterday. And a list of films as long as your arm on at the cinemas that we want to see, so we might go off to something tomorrow. And - I am attempting to spin a yarn with integral beads, ie I am putting them on as I spin. We shall see. One of my class can do it, so hopefully, I should be able to. Pics if successful - silence if not!

Happy Boxing Day to one and all.

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