Monday, October 10, 2005

Bits & Bobs

Sometimes I think that my little Dyson plays games with me. They have a retractable flex, you know? And sometimes I find that it has retracted itself nearly all the way when I come to unplug it, when I know I haven't touched the rocker plate, or whatever you want to call it. Then, sometimes, it doesn't, and really does not want to go in. If that is a punishment for not having given it an outing for way too long, then, well, poot to it. Have I ever mentioned that I hate housework??

Far more interestingly, even if it doesn't work out - the fish kettle is on the cooker, and it even has fibre and dye in it. My conscience smote me right between the eyes this morning, as I hurdled over it for the umpteenth time. I should either put it away or use the damn thing. So.......

fish kettle dyeing

(Steam rather than camera-shake this time, I think.) This is the first step on to a rather steep learning curve, I think. I don't mind is this one doesn't work out, I need to find the best way to do this. The aim, ultimately is to use Earthhues, and to get some subtly different natural dye shades on a roving. I don't think that the Falklands is going to be the best top to do this, something a bit more robust might be better. We shall see.

Spent yesterday on the Guild stand at the Show Formerly Known As Madeira. It was very quiet. I took my charka, and enjoyed spending several hours getting back up to speed, I don't use it enough and the project's worth of green cotton is growing only very slowly! But I was mindful the entire time of Elaine Benfatto's strictures about posture/position and so on. The chair and table I was using would not have won any seals of approval, but there was no alternative. By the end of the day, I definitely had used a few different muscles. Still, it gave me the excuse to get up and wander round a few times, although I didn't spend much, I am saving for the Bead Fair in two weeks time.

It wasn't a bad day, but I have grown a-weary of that sort of demonstrating. We strut our stuff and perform nicely, but I am never sure what purpose is served. Most of our audience consider us prize nutters - or else they are already converted, in which case we can all have a nice chat. Oh, what a grump.....

Did a mad dash over to York on Friday evening to have dinner with a visiting SOAR friend and three of her so guild members, plus a mutual friend from Sheffield (a complicated relationship!) Actually, had a very nice time, good meal, and very pleasant to spend time with people who appreciate what each other does. The very Italian waiter was not sure whether to be amused, bemused or supercilious.

Makes up a tad for not going to SOAR.....

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