Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Sample, sample

That's what we are supposed to do. So I cast on my shetland yarn, and pored over the pattern for the whatever-it-was lace. Got three-quarters of the way along the row when a cat jumped on to my lap and did the favourite trick of getting the yarn wrapped around at least one back leg, thereby preventing me from continuing knitting without running the risk of causing gangrene in the limb concerned. Or something. Oh, and don't ask, just don't, why it would not be possible to remove said cat and retrieve yarn, or vice versa. It Isn't. For one thing, I do not remove cats, no matter what discomfort or inconvenience they may be causing me - they are the boss, and I would only Suffer For It later. And, any attempts would only engender a state of total panic in whichever animal it was, meaning that the yarn would become even more tangled and the panic levels would rise and spread and the yarn would.....I don't really need to say any more, do I?

So, here is a photo of my grey shetland yarn knitted cable/lace/whatever shawl sample.

crocheted shetland yarn


Now, I have, as I have written before, a kind of love-hate feeling about crochet. I used to do a lot of it years ago, and still enjoy the physical act of it. But nearly every time I attempt it, I don't like the look of it and end up ripping it out and doing something else. But somehow, this time...maybe it's because I though I was going to be knitting and only tried the crochet as an afterthought? No, that's too fanciful by half. Somehow, this yarn must be just right in terms of grist, twist, relationship to hook size chosen. Whatever it is, so far so good, and it may grow up to be a waistcoat if all goes well.

Ain't life the weirdest thing....


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