Tuesday, January 03, 2006

What ho!

So, here we are, 3 January already. And as I haven't so far got around to it, I will spare myself and anyone listening any homily, words of wisdom, whatever. This time.

No resolutions - kind of - this year, either. Can't be a.....bothered. That isn't quite true, the "O" word has figured large in my thinking of late. This is never a good sign, it generally means that my grip on reality, sanity and life the universe and everything is more tenuous than usual, certainly than I would like it to be. And this word is? Organised. Those who know me very well know that if I start bleating on about how I must get organised, the most sensible thing for them to do is to run for cover very, very fast.

So far, I have it sort of under control (I can see a whole lot of mixed metaphor upcoming here if I am not careful) in that I can see the need and do a very little about it without being sucked into any downward spiral. This could very well be a first. I am not being entirely facetious here, it is a pattern that I have observed over many years that if I do start getting overly concerned about the "O" word, it really is not a good sign, and panic is imminent with all that is then subsequent to it. What I am doing this time is making lists, in a book. All the organisation is in a book, I can take little steps, little actions and make Big Ticks when something is started, completed or satisfactorily on-going. We Shall See.

It is quite amusing reading other blogs about NYRs. Or not. Several bloggers are quite adamant that they think them stupid, are not going to do them...and then promptly write that of course, they are going to do this-and-that and such-and-such. Um - excuse me? However, I am full of admiration for Sara's 50/7 plan to get rid of fifty items every day for a week (this isn't a blog thing, I should say). This is truly impressive and a thing of which I believe myself incapable, although I am going to attempt a less stringent version very soon now, as it sounds so very sensible.

I suppose in a way, I am looking at two journals, the blog, which has worked incredibly well for keeping me better focussed on fibre and bead stuff. And now the actual, physical, sitting-on-the-kitchen-table book for attempting to keep the day to day stuff on a more balanced footing. We shall see.

Not too much fibre stuff to report again, though. I have finished the back of the crochet jacket and done a bit more of the energised singles scarf. Much of my creative juice has been directed towards a small beading project (no more details than that as it is intended as a present for a friend) I tried square stitch, which I didn't like the look of for this particular thing, so reverted to peyote, and I do have this problem starting peyote - I know quite well how to do it, but something always goes awry. I'm off and running now though.

I did get the new year off to a good start by going to the Tuesday morning book group. We all loathed the book (Widow for One Year, John Irving - if anyone liked it, please do tell me why?) but we spent a very pleasant two hours drinking excellent coffee and just chatting after dealing with that.

Good stuff.

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