Sunday, August 08, 2004

A good day to dye.....

OK, so that is no way original, or indeed even funny anymore. if it ever was. but after a day spent in an ill-ventilated room chivvying students around steaming dyepans, the brain ain't up to anything much better than that.
Went the day well? In a lot of ways, yes. I was pleased with how I taught the class, and everyone was pleased with the range of colours we got. There were only six people today, and they didn't all know one another, which may have made a difference. Nine or ten highly enthusiastic rag-ruggers egging one another on is one thing - I felt I had to push these six a little. They were all really nice, and seemed to enjoy what we were doing. But the weather was against us. Only I could end up teaching two natural dye classes with no access to outdoors and only one tiny opening window on two of the hottest days of the summer. All in all, I am quite well pleased with the two classes, though, hope they ask me to do more.

The boiling brain has come up with one or two notions - one being to buy some more of the stainless steel bowls from Ikea. They make great dye pans, whatever, but they sit one inside the other, and it would be so much easier to transport them rather than a motley selection as at present. another thing is that I do not need to take as many draining devices - there is never room for more than two people at a sink, anyway.
It has also served to rekindle my enthusiasm for natural dyeing. Not that it ever totally dwindled, just diminished a bit. Now I am fired with enthusiasm for all sorts of things. Of which more on another occasion. For now, just what am I going to do with a large bag full of leftover sample skein-bits, eh?

I have, btw, photographs. Just need the oomph to download them to the pc, then find out how to work the software to get them up here......but first, a nice large glass of white wine. Or two.


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