Friday, July 28, 2006

It was Friday, all day

And yet again, hot and sunny. The weather reports keep on telling us it is all about to go pearshaped, but so far - not. A-mazing.

I was at AH today. I had been slightly dreading it because of the heat, which I normally only cope with by staying quietly in the shade, but in fact it was not too bad. We had three fans in our regular room, all the doors and windows open, and little direct sun. Went the day well? I would say so, but I'm not going to say too much about it because I owned up to having a blog and then wouldn't tell people how to find it, issuing a challenge to hunt me down. I guess that it would be only fair to reward success should anyone who was there today find me, so first comment from one of the nine who all know who they are (well, in theory at least...) will bring forth a fibery bon bouche.

I succumbed to a fleece. A not too huge and very nice looking Jacob. I haven't spun one of those in a very long time, and couldn't resist. Someone suggested I could knit socks with it, and do you know, they could just be right. Working on today's class has totally revived my sock knitting urges, and I am going to indulge them.

I have just spent an infuriating few minutes attempting to get a url to show a photograph of a super pair of boots that I have seen in a catalogue and that would be great with hand spun hand knit socks....but it simply won't co-operate, obviously a serious glitch in their software. I'll have to wait until I actually get them in my hot, sweaty mitts - or rather, on my ditto feet - and photograph them myself.

Drove home via another country, or at least that is what it seemed like. So hot, and everything starting to look so parched. Had to have the windows open in the car, as I don't have air con, so I have warned the DSM that if I fall over on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night he is to just pick me up and slide me back on to the bed. The reason being that my ears can do funny things if assaulted by too much buffetting wind, leading to vertigo, which is quite scary, but does soon pass.

OK, so I've waffled, and need more of the very nice vin de Pays de l'Aude that got opened this evening. Some real fibre doing next week.

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