Monday, October 27, 2008

Part the third

Nearly done, now!

The end of SOAR saw (oops!) us moving on to a house near Woodstock. The DSM and I have spent probably too many holidays driving way too much, and we have started finding oursleves nice places to use as a base.

Right, well, I started this this afternoon and ran out of time. Now, for some strange reason I am sitting at the computer at half past midnight, so reckon I might as well get the post done. Why am I here? Maybe we should ask the DSM that (sigh). His ritual post holiday insomnia, which can wash over on to me. Ah, well.

What did we do? We had a good time, that's what. So there isn't all that much to say about it. I think what I will do is put up what photographs I want (there will undoubtedly be more on Flickr, so click to enter and go see if you so wish. Then I can just add the odd explanatory note, 'k?

where we stayed

House, followed by out back.

trees @ house

We then spent our time recovering from colds, finding nice food and wine, knitting, and finding yarn shops. We started at the famous Countrywool


The sharp-eyed amongst you will immediately notice that this is not me. This is, of course, Sara.
And going to her blog to get the url, I realise that (not surprisingly, in view of the fact that we went to the same places, some of our ohotograohs are, shall we say, similar. I'll try not to duplicate.....

OK, so much time spent photographing leaves, trees, water.

Hudson river


trees & water

trees & water

We visited some of the small towns in the Hudson River Valley, Catskill, Tivoli, Saugerties. I fell in love with them all.

Catskill buildings

Catskill cat

Saugerties Lighthouse

Then, at the end of the week, we moved on to a rather splendid bed and breakfast place. This was what we could see from our bedroom balcony.

Minnewaska Lodge

Minnewaska Lodge

And this was what we could see in our respective bedrooms from time to time, just in case we were getting to miss our own darlings too much!

Picture of Lily

And the grand finale? Well, not the conversation in the restaurant with two drunken rock climbers - why did we spin yarn rather than buy it? Why did they climb to the top of the cliff instead of taking the funicular, not that there was one, but you get the drift, no?

No, this was the grand finale (sorry about the wobble, taken from a moving vehicle.)

Rhinebeck sign


Fried food plus fibre. Too much fun.

Yeah, it was. Now that I have written it all up, I find I am feeling....what? Not sure. Missing the blue skies, the golden leaves, the people. Oh, I have my own tribe here, of course, and get them all gathered together and the same sort of mayhem can apply. But. But.

Never mind, great memories. Two stand out.

One was talking to someone and revealing the full horror of my real and actual age, and being told that I was..... a great role model. Not quite sure exactly how I feel about that one - thrilled, I think.

The other was having only been for a few minutes at Rhinebeck, and having been told that it was unlikely that I would run in to any of the people I knew to be there. When an American voice said "I know you!"

"You could well do - I go to SOAR."

"Not SOAR", she says. "WOOLFEST!!"

The threads that we spin and weave and dye intertwine and link us in ways we know not of, sometimes, indeed they do.

(Buggrit, the Blogger spellchecker is on the blink yet again. this is no doubt full of typos and idiocies. Too freakin' bad. I'll maybe edit tomorrow.)

1 comment:

Barbara Blundell said...

Hope you have come down to earth Carol ! Loved reading all about it.What a great time ! Fantastic pics ! Would love to go. Will have to think, " Next year in Jerusalem "