Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Just one of those days

Oh, I should so not be doing this. My "to do" list is ....... long, and this is not on it. But I suddenly realised that I had not recorded blogwise either the necklace that I had completed for my mother, or the card that I made for his. And as I rather like both, it seemed like a good idea to do so.

Well, it is and it isn't. I definitely want a record of what little I achieve. But today is not such a good day for so doing. I'm short of time - a pressing need and a deadline or two, a class to teach and a journey to make. Ho, pressing need - my subconscious is obviously making a valiant effort to get me downstairs and standing in front of the ironing board - well done, it!

And not to whinge, but for whatever reason, today I seem to ache in every part of the body. I can only suppose that it has something to do with sitting in a Victorian church yesterday afternoon for quite a while. Hard, narrow, uncomfortable pew designed by those good and godly Victorians to mortify the body and keep you awake during interminable sermons; decidedly chilly church despite quite a mild day outside. (I'm not going to come up with any rationale for that one.)

However, the upshot seems to be that however hard I try, I can't get rid of camera shake today, and I really can't spend any more time on this. So these puny efforts will have to do as both items will be in the hands of their intended owners soon.

This is the necklace.

Ivy's necklace

Well enough. I tried for a close-up, but the result was rather like one of those shots of car headlights with a static camera, or slow speed. Pretty, but.......I need to do more herringbone spiral to get tightened up on the tension.

And the card:


I used the little piece of freeform beadwork with blue seed beads and tiny freshwater pearls that I did a while back, mounted on dyed silk carrier rod. Which I didn't dye myself, but could have and will do, before anyone asks. In the flesh, the end result doesn't look as "fluffy" as this, it must be an effect of the light. Anyway, I am very pleased to have managed a card (and for whatever reason, I find those very difficult to get done).

OK, as I have even more on the list for tomorrow that probably won't get done....I shall no doubt find myself blogging. An attempt at discipline will be made however, in which case, this will be silence here for just over a week whilst we jaunt off to Cornwall. There should hopefully be time for R&R as well as for family visiting and partying (or what passes for that) and I shall attempt to take some nice happysnaps of glorious Cornish scenery. I'm also looking forward to a bead-buying expedition.....

(Oh - and I am reliably informed that my somewhat feeble Guardian Notes&Queries response was in fact included. Brevity always does the trick!)

See you later.

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