(And for the record, I am still a non-meat eater!)
To be slightly fair to me, these samples are not dry yet, and they will look a tad better, at least colourwise, when they are. But, what have I learnt? That trying to protect silk Does Not Work. Despite soaking for twenty four hours, and leaving in the dyebath to cool overnight, the colour has not penetrated right through the sliver.
I am trying very hard not to be discouraged. Especially when there is this example from Sara of just how to do it out there! However, I will persevere - I have seen beautiful naturally dyed examples of both these fibres, so it can be done.
The next experiment - cheap and cheerful beading - is a mixed success, too:
I bought the mixed beads off eBay some while back, and although I liked them, they were not quite what I had expected. The leaves came from somewhere or other...and the holes proved to be too small for the jump rings I had, so I had to use wire. Which I had not done for........ages. I did improve as I went on, but! However - they have given me a good way of playing, trying things out, without using anything really important, so that's ok.
Whilst I am documenting failures, or semi-failures, my never-fail sponge cake did. Wafer-thin, it looks. Trouble is, I rarely bake cakes now, so it is only when it is my turn to provide the comestibles for the Coven that I ever do. Now I have to decide whether to stop at the supermarket on the way over, or to make them eat cake (groan.)
The SOAR prospectus went up on the internet today. I did go and take a look. I shall say little more. There Are Compensations.
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