I was a good daughter, in fact we both were. We took mama to the Alice Hawthorne for lunch, which she does claim to like very much. But I know that she doesn't really mind where she goes, as long as it is Out. I have to admit that she is dealing pretty well with her situation, which she doesn't like, but manages to be philosophical about - not quite admitting that she has made her bed &etc, but almost. Having said that, if one does have to be imprisoned in a retirement home, then where she is must come close to the top of the list (that's the Masons for you...)
And having said all that - why is there not a not-Mother's day, eh? We miss out on that extra day of cards and flowers and being taken out to lunch and treated as Queen-for-a-day. I really am quite surprised that some inventive marketing person at Hallmark cards hasn't come up with something by now. Hah.
The OIO is my washing machine. Of late years, I have hated washing machines, they don't make 'em like they used to. This one (yes, the self-same one that ate my lovely corriedale fleece) has a bad habit of cutting out from time to time - there is a problem with the socket or the plug. I have spoken to Maintenance, ie the DSM, several times. I have spoken to Maintenance, ie the DSM, several times. (Repeat, ad nauseum.) I think we may finally have arrived at an understanding, involving me not putting his muddy running kit through the wash Ever Again, unless..... It has gone suspiciously quiet downstairs in the kitchen again, need to go check, dammit.
eBay. I am trying to control my addiction, or rather channelling it by moving in to selling rather than buying. But I couldn't resist this.
Quite apart from anything else, I am fascinated by what might be the story behind how this object, purchased by someone in Brooklyn, still with the US stamps and address clear on the box, now fetches up in West Yorkshire. I am also fascinated by the amount of work needed to make each little fabric puff, and then to stitch those in to a "prize-winning" rug. Actually, it now occurs to me, the things exercising my mind this morning fit together quite well. How the world has moved from a belief in economy, frugality. Recycling everything, wasting nothing, and everything being done with care and love, even. To a society in which we buy everything, often knowing that it will not function perfectly, and without much of a life-expectancy to boot. OK, so I am probably over-romanticising things. And, of course, we do, some of us, make things, all the time. Praise be!
I may not ever use this little thing - or I might. Actually, it would be a good thing to travel with - perfect for on a plane, or not taking up much room in the luggage. H'mm.
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