Well, I would, but I have sent one to flickr twice, and it isn't showing up, so no dice.
But catching and boxing them is a living nightmare. This always has to happen in the morning, when they are asleep on the bed and have no opportunity to fly off in all directions with umpteen places to hide. The worst case scenario is if one or both get on top of the central heating boiler, at least for me. I am not tall enough to reach them and pluck them off, even while teetering on a chair. So, we bring the box upstairs when they aren't looking, and go to all sorts of lengths and subterfuges to try to con them that no, indeedy, nothing untoward like the vet or prison is about to happen.
They generally twig at the last minute, by which time they are at least confined to the bedroom. But the latest game is to go under the bed. Now, Neelix is relatively easy to catch because he blorts at me so I can echo-locate him, and he is usually near an edge. But Max is a cunning little bugger. He goes right to the middle of our six foot wide bed. If I lie down at full stretch on the floor, head sticking underneath the bed, arm at full stretch too - I can just touch him with my fingertips! In order to grab'n'drag, I have to push the bed - the bed moves, but the cat doesn't. Then I can get a hold of the scruff, and pull, and once out from under, sort of pull the cat to me whilst at the same time making like a caterpillar, and then somehow managing to stand upright whilst not letting go of the cat. It is at this point that I discover that even though I think that I vacuum from time to time, the bedroom floor is filthy.
Still, I conquered and survived. And they are fine, they don't actually mind the cattery at all. they get to watch chickens and peacocks, and if they are lucky, sheep.
On the way back, I picked up the red bead thing from the framers. My oh my, doesn't a frame make things look professional!
Not so brilliant a photo, I had to turn the flash off the avoid the reflection, and it is quite a dull day. Still, a record. I really like it, I see more in the tea-leaves.
Now I MUST finish class prep!! Oh - and this comes warts and all, spellcheck is on strike....
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