One thing you can do when sick is spend more time (and money) on ebay. I have actually been very restrained. I have only bought this.
Yes, I could have done it myself - and may even do so. But this sort of said "I might cheer you up" to me. It is Opal handpainted sock yarn, called something like "Hagebutte" (I promise, it really is something like that.) I feel in the mood for knitting socks again. Which is good. Feeling like doing stuff like that is good.
Then, there is the latest scarf. If the lurgy makes you incapable of doing anything other than yomping through the stack of CSI episodes you have stored on tape just in case you ever get around to watching them, you need to have fairly mindless projects on the go alongside. This fits the bill perfectly. I found it earlier in the week when blog-surfing and touched down here. It is a nifty little thing, very quick to do, even for me. Although something of a pain to knit, actually, what with multiple yarns on big (in my case wooden) needles. Not sure if I will ever dare actually wear it, though?
I then cranked up the befuddled brain and attempted to photograph it being worn, and as I didn't have a bearded gent handy, tried self-portraiture. H'mm.
First, stages to completion. This is it with the knitting finished.
Now unravelled and uncut (and boy, don't I know how that feels....)
And finally...
Some improvement, I suppose.
At least I remembered to switch the flash off. Although, with it being such a grey day, and fact that the only suitable mirrors in the house lurk in corners behind doors (now I wonder why that is?) what you are supposed to be looking at is none to clear anyway.
Ah, stuff it. I tried.
At some point during the process, I realised what I (we, in fact, this is becoming the latest trend to jump on)was doing - knitting chenille. Although called the steeked boa - which indeed it is - it is also, as far as I know as a barely-weaver, done on the same sort of principle as weaving chenille. This, I think, demonstrates some rather nice serendipitous linking-between-discipline circularities, which pleases my tiny (and febrile, remember) mind.
Tea. And socks. (That's socks.)
Hagebutte is the German for hip or haw. As a consequence, rosehip tea is Hagebutte Tee.
I love the colours.
I wish you luck with it.
I wouldn't mind trying it myself.
Great yarn, I can see why it would cheer you up! The name would cheer me up too (except it reminds me of my rear view).
I've seen a fair few of Mary Lou's boa scarfes knitted up - each and everyone looks wonderful, yours included. Did you get the heebies when it came to cutting it?
Hey, I think we have the same illness; at least we're using similar cures. My credit card hopes I feel better soon, and I hope you do, too.
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