I love Nanny Ogg. She comes to coven meetings on a regular basis bearing rich, dark chocolate cake (I think it is a Nigella recipe, but that can't be helped). And last night, it was accompanied by fresh strawberries and single cream. We don't go for the knitting or spinning. Or even the company. We go for the cake. (And I don't even have that sweet a tooth!)
Nanny Ogg and I sat adjacent to one another all evening nursing our backs. She has one too. Hers sounds worse than mine, which following the one day on, one day off principle, is doing quite nicely today, huzza.
I fiddled about with a little beaded crochet bag, and did a round or two of slowly moving sock. I still have no serious project. I think there are reasons for this, that I need to deal with. I am spinning a couple of things, and I do now have ideas for one of these. This is what passes for design around here:
I consider it very courageous of me to put that apology for a drawing in a semi-public forum, but it is intended to act as a spur. The body will be the natural grey Falkland. The squared bits down the side will either be dark natural Falkland, or more likely, the grey overdyed in colours yet to be decided. The greater part of the body will be knitted in stocking stitch; xxx represents the moss stitch borders. There is a way to go before this gets anywhere near the needles, let alone completed. But, a start.
The other spinning is of merino and tencel, multi-coloured, shades of dull red, blue and yellow, coming out quite fine. I have some slightly variegated red that I intend plying with it. I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do with it. As yet.
I continue to play with beads. I am about to put in some serious time on the herringbone spiral, but I was moved to do more delicate. I know I thought no more green for a while, but I really did need a little necklace for daytime wear......
Only I would photograph green on green. The little daggers barely show. But I really can't be arsed to do it again.
I finished spinning this yarn from Optim back in January, and it has been sitting there glowering at me ever since. I decided today that I needed an interim thing to work on, so it has been voted in. I found a supposedly simple lace scarf on knitty. Hah! We shall see. But I need to bestir myself somewhat.
I apologise for the scratchy and bitty nature of my post today. I find myself deeply disturbed by what is going on in London. I hate to think of us at the mercy of crazed and disturbed kids, I hate to think of us being led by the nose by the powers that be, I am horrified at the thought of the aforementioned young men killing tens, hundreds of people in bombings, likewise at hearing of armed security people bursting on to a tube train in London and shooting someone dead.
I am dreaming of remote islands again.
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