Maybe that inspired me to take action. Went to visit the mater yesterday and found her distinctly poorly. Several years ago, she was diagnosed with Meniere's (my sister and I actually have some doubts about the accuracy of that, but that's another story)and she had started an episode on Friday but had not realised until Saturday how bad it was going to be. The residential home where she is had seemingly rung for a doctor, but of course it was a weekend and that means the Emergency Service. The duty doctor refused to come, on the grounds that it was not an emergency. I have massive issues with this. The problem was self diagnosed, for a start, and the symptoms could have been caused by a great many things, some of which could have led to very serious consequences. But in any case, is it really reasonable to leave an eighty seven year old woman for over forty eight hours wracked with vertigo and nausea, when a simple medication would have alleviated the symptoms? I know what I think!
So, this morning, I rang the Complaints Manager (I find it deeply significant that the uber-practice concerned has one such!)to ask politely for an explanation. At first, she said that it was nothing to do with them, they offered no service at the weekends. My response to that was not pretty. She back-pedalled at great speed. She is supposed to be getting back to me late this afternoon. I await with bated breath.....
(This part of today's entry would contain all my usual rantings and whinings about housework, but rather than repeat myself, boring myself and everyone else stupid in the process, I leave this section blank to be filled in mentally with appropriate comments.)
Now. Remember this?
After several weeks of denial, I am finally admitting that it has gone missing. More than that, at least in any detail, I am not going to say. The last time I remember having it, seeing it, was when I took it to show the class at AH, which must have been in April or May. I have kind of known for ages that I, shall we say, couldn't lay my hand upon it, but we finally sorted through the last remaining place it could be - the dining room - and there was no trace. I feel it could be a Lobby Ludd thing - anyone else remember? - see anything resembling my Colinette shawl, approach the person wearing it..."Your name is LL and I claim..." But maybe that is not such a good idea. However, I would appreciate being told of any sighting.
Bummer, innit?
So that is a kind of negative fibre entry. Small progress otherwise - I have rounded up all the grey Falklands to be spun, so I will have plenty for The Sweater. And I spent hours winding the skein of Optim into a ball. It had all very slighty felted to itself. But it is, despite my misgivings, a rather nice, fairly fine yarn, and it will make a pretty scarf. I am aiming at having at least sampled by the end of this evening.
If the ****** housework doesn't kill me, metaphoriclly speaking....
1 comment:
Here's something to make you feel better about your gun-slinging Bobbies: your lot have *already* Admitted Their Mistake, *and* apologized.
Our lot would still be *investigating*, and would start circulating rumors through Fox NotNews that the victim was guilty of something. Long after everyone had forgotten the whole incident, and in the wake of some new incident, the truth would come out, quietly, and without apology.
Pat yourselves on the back (and, yes, hide behind something solid).
Bummer about the shawl, poot!
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