Could have been "Progress", I suppose. For instance, the CVM shawl is finished! No photo yet, I want to wash and block it, but it is in fact quite a nice, plain brown, useful shawl. Tucks around the shoulders in an admirable manner, and I will try keeping it downstairs ready to whip around same when I have one of my cold fits. (Oh, I do so miss the days of yore when I had hot -for want of a better word - fits!) The reason for the "try" being Max, of course!
Then, I have, amazingly, been successful - in as far as it was anything to do with me - in selling an invalid scooter on eBay for my ma-in-law. It has not netted her much profit, but has achieved the main objective of finding someone to take it away for her, and without her having to pay. So instead, she has said that I can have a book of my choice - what a sweetie! - as my reward, not that I needed one. I am going to be very, very good and not order the most expensive volume that catches my eye on Amazon, but just get a nice mid-price hardback of some kind. I'm thinking beading or knitting, here.
(Pause for a mutter - the DSM has just got out his Pumpkin Harvest fibre from last year's SOAR, you know, the one I spun and was wondering what to do with - left it sitting right by me, he has, tempting me. 'Snot fair, whine, grumble....)
Then again - I have done the quebracho green soy silk, seems ok, or will be when dry and fluffed. I still have more fibre I can dye, so I went and had a look at my dyestuffs, and found that I had a lot left from workshops last year. So I am going to move on from extracts to the hard stuff, beginning with logwood.
Here are the quebracho green (ok, ok, bronze if you are being polite and goose shit green if you are not) on silk and the lac on soy - all scruffy and runkled. Soy silk is definitely harder to control, although it dyes well and comes up feeling very....well, silky (sorry!) I usually take photos on a neutral/plain ground, but I was so struck by the similarities between the colours when I dumped these on the spare bed, that I left them as was.
Spent a little time yesterday working on the next beaded doodle, and it is coming up very well if I says so myself. This one looks like a highly stylized flower.
So, I need to go get a meal prepared that can sit while we go out to a...Political Meeting. There is a four-way thing in town this evening, all the candidates except the BNP one. For which relief much thanks - I don't know whether he was asked and declined (I imagine so) or if he wasn't asked. But even in the interests of soi-disant democracy, I couldn't bear to be in the same room as such a one. For some reason, it is looking like a good idea to go, although I wonder if we will feel the same after the event? (Oh! Cynic!!)
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