But I wouldn't have done much creative fibre or other work today anyway, as I have a class to teach on Friday, and fairly little clue as to what to say about tencel and ramie, other than here they are, this is how they are made/grown/look, nice, aren't they?
Jaded? Moi?
It will be ok. I will take along a handful of lovely spindles as well (secondary subject) and I can get very enthusiastic and lyrical about them, so all will be well. I need to talk about the programme for the next few months too, plus I can spend a decent amount of time with the one or two less experienced people who I know will be there. I always obsess about it and it is always ok if not damn fine. What an idiot!
is supposed to be forming a birthday card for the friend turning sixty, but I cocked it up. I thought I had lots of aperture cards, found out at the weekend that I didn't, hastily ordered some from an eBay shop, thinking that they would go into the post on Monday and be here...and it hasn't happened. So, I use one that is a little too large, and get the placement wrong, so It Won't Do. Fortunately, I will be able to salvage the beadwork to go in to a smaller card - could send it to M as a belated, I guess, or see what my lady mother makes of it.
I was sad to see that to the names of the great and famous who have died lately we must add that of Andrea Dworkin. I can't claim to have read much of her work, and I can see why she attracted the vilification that she did - she told the world things that it really did not want to hear, in a way guaranteed to make it listen briefly and make it tear her to shreds. But I had admiration for her, for her intelligence and her bravery. Make of that what you will.
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