Apart from the aforementioned expotition to take photos, I stayed home and did - the following:
Made a very quick bead necklace just because I felt like it. I make no claims whatsoever for this to be called actual beading, it is merely very simple stringing. But it is fun! The little dangly bit came from GJBeads in St Ives (Imagine Homer Simpson going in to "donut" mode: ....mmmmm.....beeads......It is quite disgusting!) Back/silver seed beads, black delicas, black something else I can't remember what, like little triangle-shaped seed beads, and fire polished crystals all collected from all over the place.
And then I sat and spun (span?) This is a merino and cashmere mix (80/20) from Ashland Bay that I think Pete won as a door prize at SOAR a year or two back. So why am I spinning it? Because it is intended as a birthday present for his mother who is 90 in September. We think a lacy-ish stole, and his knitting is better than mine whilst I am a faster spinner. I'm not going to dye it, we both of us like the soft beige, and it is a colour that Eileen likes, too. I think the yarn will work out all right, and yes, I did do a sample, which was lovely. I am aiming at a medium fine, softly spun yarn, a bit of a challenge for me as I tend to be a firm (to say the least) spinner. But as I am always telling people that within the parameters of fibre type, we determine the nature of the yarn, not the wheel or whatever, I have to now put my money where the proverbial is.
And for good measure:
It is really quite scary seeing your own yarn photographed and up close and personal. Your - my - relationship with it in the flesh is quite different, and I am finding this both interesting and instructive. Yet another benefit of blogging!
Hi, Carol! You did a great job getting the Fiber Arts Blogger ring code to show up; just one more thing. Where it says ***625*** you need to get rid of the asterisks. It should just have the number; that occurs in two places. BTW, nice spinning, and nice wheel!
Hi, Carol! You did a great job getting the Fiber Arts Blogger ring code to show up; just one more thing. Where it says ***625*** you need to get rid of the asterisks. It should just have the number; that occurs in two places. BTW, nice spinning, and nice wheel!
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