Friday, February 18, 2005


I've been a-teaching, that after two less than good nights sleep and a Thursday coven meeting, hence the peering down the nose bit. Actually, I'm looking for the alcohol, which has not yet put in an appearance. But I can't complain, indeed, should rush off downstairs to set it up for the pair of us, as he is cooking supper. Excellent!

Good class - nice day. I ran through longwool and lustre with them, took in Wensleydale both as tops and some lovely very dark fleece, Masham and Lincoln Longwool for them to play with once they were tired of me droning on. Then, we are still doing subsidiary topics and today's was plying, which also went ok. We then sat and discussed what the next programme might cover, and they were all very into it, suggesting quite a few things (one of which is going to necessitate me persuading Magrat to come over and do a party piece for me, and I'm not sure how I fancy my chances with that!) So, I feel somewhat better about the class than I have for a while. Plus, there may be some chance of one, or maybe even two residential weekend classes this year, in both spinning and natural dyeing, both of which I fancy tackling. The task for next week - getting the proposals in quick-smart.

My class was one of the things I was talking about in the latest blog post to disappear. Seemingly, just getting it written down helped clear my head about things, not really so much of a surprise. In essence - most of the participants have been coming for a long time, and really only want to sit and spin and chat. I am contracted to - and want to - teach them something about the art of spinning (and other things). Today, I feel that I managed the compromise rather better, the ratio between teaching/demonstrating/whatever and sitting and chatting with them. After all, if they chose not to produce several mini-skeins of samples, as a Retreat class at SOAR would, then that is their choice!


Latest FO? A cake! But I didn't remember to take a photo before it got eaten. I don't usually bake these days, but it was My Turn last night. A chocolate cake, no less, from a Jeanne Lemlin cook book. Very nice. I keep wondering how it would work in coffee.....

But there might be a FO for real tomorrow, the tapestry crochet bag is nearly done. It's pretty good for a first effort. Felt all wrong using commercial yarn, though.


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