This was from the Alston class, which was full, busy and highly enjoyable. So was an adorable little sheepskin, of a silvery grey colour and a considerable softness that just had to come home with me so that the blue cats could have one that matched them, as the Ryeland does Madam Ru. To my amazement, it turned out to be a Herdwick/Texel cross. But apparently, Herdwick lambs are soft. As all Herdwicks used to be, seemingly. I need to learn more!
After one busy day, we had another. Off to Sheffield, to the Crucible, to see what promised to be an interesting "Hamlet". And indeed it was. We enjoyed it enormously, found it a spare and intense interpretation, with a restrained - mostly - and introspective performance from John Simm. He has, I read, not done all that much stage work - if this was any indication, he should do much more. Definitely impressive, although it is fair to say that reviews are slightly mixed. That's their problem! Gertrude was a stately Barbara Flynn, although this did make her remarriage after a bare two months ever so slightly less than credible, there needed to be more lust; and Claudius a thoroughly dislikable (in this role!) John Nettles, back to the stage after much well known tv work. We had seen him years ago in his RSC days, so knew that he was going to be good. Although some of the body language looked a little familiar......
Sunday, we were tired, and had a very nice day doing bugger all. The weather has changed, and is cold and damp, most condusive to staying indoors with fibrey pursuits. So, today, whilst the DSM did go out to his art class, I stayed in and caught up with some emailing and other computery chores and pursuits, and then plyed the last of the "Volcano" fluff from Freyalyn.
This is awfully fuzzy, but will have to do for now. I shall wash it, and try to find a dry moment to photograph it outside. It is going to be a stole, quite possibly in the simple chevron pattern fropm the "Jaywalker" socks. With added pom poms.
Don't laugh.
I'm on the last stretch of the circular blanket, thank goodness. About halfway around the last - round. I don't think I will have enough yarn left to do any more, and frankly, I'm not really sorry! I have enjoyed doing it, and love the look of it, but enough is enough. I need a change.
And for a change on the wheel, the shetland/zwartbles cross that I got at Woolfest. Not quite what I had wanted or expected, but could be interesting. Peasant lace shawl, h'mm?
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