When I did, I had no real idea where I was going with it - and I guess I still don't - but going it is, and reasonably well. There is the occasional hiatus, but nothing too shameful. And, probably most importantly, it does what I wanted, which is to keep me focused on spinning, dyeing, knitting &etc.
Even through this year thus far, which has been for us personally a difficult one, I have been able to sometimes ignore trials and tribulations, and concentrate on what is most important. Sometimes, that happens subliminally.
I wrote yesterday that I had ideas buzzing around in my head that I need to work on, and come to some conclusions. I woke up this morning, and those scattered ducks (or more properly, ducklings) had skittered themselves in to a provisional order, and I could suddenly see where I wanted to head. It is going to take a while to really come clear, and I am still intending to take my much needed August+ "holiday". But I am feeling quietly (and annoyingly, because I am not going to expound upon it as yet!) excited.
Here's one of the first photographs I ever managed to post on this blog, and something of a clue.
And because they are after all the most important things around here, is an old one of the cats:
Max the seal point was still with us then, of course, but although they leave us they are never forgotten. And I love this photo - I titled it "Armchair hijackers". These days, they mostly take over laps, or occasionally, the Ryeland sheepskin in front of the fireplace.
I should really include one of the DSM, but perhaps I will leave that until next week, when it is my birthday, and we have a Grand Day Out planned. Of that, more anon.
As some sort of a celebration, we are being told that there is a chance of seeing the aurora tonight, courtesy of the recent massive solar activity. I'm not convinced - there has been a lot of cloud of late, and it is only a long shot. But I am off to Coven, and I will keep my eyes peeled. That would be a treat indeed. Otherwise, I shall have to make do with cake from Bettys!
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