And we tell jokes, do daft things and have fun. So, this time:
We had a visitor. Who, given only a small amount of encouragement, would gaily sing "Splish, splash, I was having a bath". And for those who like me could sing along but not remember who the original recording artist was, it was apparently Bobby Darin.
Someone had won Supreme Champion at a local show with a handspun, hand knitted garment, and had to endure a lot of teasing about being led around the ring sporting the rosette, and also had to be Queen for the Day.
And in case any should think that we just spent the day mucking about, work was done.
Not quite what I had originally intended, but it went quite well none the less. I had scheduled "fibre blending", meaning types of fibre, but I left it late to get supplies and had to have a quick rethink. So I took along some different colours, some tussah and some throwster's waste; drum carders and a hackle - hand cards work well, of course, too.
This was one batt that I tried at home first, using our new Ashford drum carder. We chose this one because although smaller overall, it has much depth of tooth on the drum, and has a fitted packer brush. I think I am going to like it a lot. I'll have more photos of a project of my own soon, I hope.
It was as always a nice day, and the kitchen staff had pulled out all the stops for tea - we had cream and jam with our scones, a first in my recollection, as well as several kinds of cake. I actually am often very good and don't stay on for tea - I'm not sure if it was the right or wrong day to do so.........
Not an ordinary day, but a super day!I enjoyed the fibre blending very much and have already ordered a better set of carders! Thank you Pete and Carol, and I hope that you will enjoy the summer holidays and I will attend again when I return from Skye in September before getting excited again for our SOAR adventure.
Ooh that's the Wild Carder, I'd rather like to have one myself ;)
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