I've been struggling this week, somewhat. Not totally perky. Happens sometimes, doncha know. Wish it didn't, but there you are.
Still, onward and upward.
I've been out and about, still catching up with friends, and I have been doing stuff. Yes, I have actually managed to keep on doing stuff, not necessarily any major stuff, but never mind.
This is some of the cormo, which is very nearly finished. I have enjoyed spinning it very much. Despite my original misgivings, it was only a very little bit of it that was at all neppy, and there has been minimal VM. I have been able to spin it so easily, using a more or less one handed extended draw, just occasionally needing the other hand to help ease out (or in!) a bit of a slub. So, it should be nice and pouffy, and knit up well. I intend doing a stole type wrap, ie rectangular, but I don't as yet know exactly how. Maybe a simple cable - it could be time.......
I also have to decide whether to dye it as yarn, or wait until I have knitted it. I would like to do the latter, as it worked so well with the last shawl, but I am somewhat concerned that the end product will be quite a bit bulkier and might not fir in to my largest dye pot. So, instead of having the entire knitting time to mull over what colour I want, I might have to wait before starting on the project.
Then, I have a tiny FO.
This is s mini curlywurly scarf to wear as a necklace. Not an original idea, but shamelessly cribbed. The yarn is Chasing Rainbows bombyx/merino spun very fine, and with luck there is enough to finish the "seaweed" scarf (also shamelessly ripped off) that I have just cast on.
Also on the go is a sample for a Vivien Hoxbro stole, and some energised singles yarn that I stared spinning last night at Coven, over sticky date cake from the local market. (And yes, I did manage to keep crumbs away from the fibre!) The fibre is from my SOAR goody bag, which I started spinning with no clear purpose in mind, but fortunately had my brainwave before starting the second half, so I just have to remember to spin "S" again when I restart.
Now I need to go round up some of our own spindles to take to York tomorrow. We are doing a talk in the morning and then a workshop in the afternoon. Not actually our preferred format, but we have done it successfully before, so it will be ok.
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