This is what it was like at the beginning of the week and for the ten previous days. Now we are back to situation normal - rain! Ah, well, it was luvverly while it lasted.
Coven last night, we were all rather quiet, but it was very restful. So much so, that we all kept yawning. But I spun for the duration on the purple/blue/green/teal merino and soy silk mix, getting quite a lot done. My turn to take cake - I felt uninspired, and bought. Will return to the cookery books next time.
Because of the rather warmer weather, les boyz have been a bit more noticeable. This sort of noticeable.....
It all gets rather chaotic when they both try to sit on me at the computer. If it is just one of them, it isn't so bad.
These are in lieu of any photographs of FOs or WIPs. I have none of the former at the moment, and the latter are indeed progressing, but slowly and rather uninterestingly, image-wise.
Having been terribly good and pushed the Dyson around for a very little while this morning, I am going to spin this afternoon. I've some podcasts to catch up on, and besides, I feel like it.
Which is as good a reason as any!
And in case this all sounds a bit subdued, no indeed. Merely a patch of quiet water, never a bad thing, just unusual, perhaps, for me of late. It will no doubt get choppy again soon enough.
Oh - spinning wheels and vaseline, as mentioned by Freyalyn. I have never used it, and had indeed been told by various people not to, as it tended to collect too much grit and whatever which could lead to damage. But doing a quick google, I see that it is recommended by both Ashford and Majacraft, so, obviously, what do I know? Try it for yourselves? I think I shall stick to a light oil or silicone spray, although whilst very effective, I do find that a little messy.
It all goes to show that in the fibre world, there are more valid opinions than you can shake a niddy noddy at, which does after all add to the fun.
Rejoicing in my re-discovered identity. What super photos!
Those kitties, what can you do with them? ;0)
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