There were actually three of them - I had forgotten that I had inadvertently seen tapestry one by a friend of mine at Book Group. I love her tapestries, and these were fabulous. but I won't write it up, need to go back fro a proper look and some photos.
So. First one.
Embroiderers Guild. I had expected to really like it, and was left feeling kind of unsatisfied. Some lovely work, but little that gave rise to a tingle.
This was fun, and to me at least, pretty original.
And this drew my attention:
Not least because it reminded me of photos like this:
I've taken a few like this in my time, intending to use them as a design source one of these days. I'll have to hunt up my favourite, of building adjacent to the Temple in Salt Lake City, with that reflected in the mirrored exterior. But it is from the days before digital, so I need to track it down, scan it in
Probably, though, my favourite piece was this:
I'm not quite sure why, but it really appealed to me. For whatever reason, I am often drawn to juxtapositions of natural wood or similar with thread. Maybe one day, I'll raid the woods and get going.
OK, so the other exhibition was more, I thought, of an unknown quantity, and I didn't expect to like it necessarily. In the event, I thought it was great, and felt much excitement from some of the exhibits, a lot of which were very humorous and witty.
It was an exhibition in miniature, as in this - note the finger for scale.
To those of raised in the era when the height of home decor chic was the flight of ceramic ducks on the wall - or in the case of my mother, seagulls as being less common than ducks - this definitely struck a chord!
The dyer in me liked this next, a small version of a much larger piece, apparently. Paprika, exposed to light to make random, natural art. I've got to try that!
But the reason for going in the first place was that my niece had a piece in the show. Now, remember the scale.....
Hilarious, and beautifully constructed.
The young gallery owner was on the premises during our visit and was obviously slightly bemused by the two near-geriatrics who had wandered in. She was quite charming, giving us lots of interesting information about various pieces, but eventually just had to ask how we had found our way in there!
Ah, well, it had to happen one day.
Thanks for those photos from the Embroiderer's Guild Exhibition - now I'll try to dig out some of my photos from an exhibition I visited recently. And also a photo of our new ever expanding Town Centre.
Very interesting. The wonderful thing about exhibitions is that they give one an idea of what people think is creative. This often puzzles me, as my mind always drifts to more traditional looking things. I suppose I just need to get out more.
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