My progress. Yes, there is some. First, I have finished the alpaca and silk yarn!
This is destined for the Landscape shawl, which really appeals to me. But not yet. I have other things that I want to do first, like finishing the crochet jacket, which may be a long time a'comin'. But at least this yarn is done, and is even washed. I also did a whole bunch of other yarn that I have been slowly working on over the last few months, mainly merino and tencel collected from various sources, which may or may not become socks. I can feel that it is very likely that I shall jump on to the Jaywalker bandwagon, the pattern looks so cool. We shall see - watch, as they say, this space.
Then, I also finished this:
Done for a friend, so I won't give too many details now - I don't think she reads my blog, actually, and this may smoke her out if so! Sara, you might recognise the three little fishies - they are going to a good home. I just wanted something very simple to convey a message or two, which I hope this does. I also learnt something from it - don't do peyote stitch in the round for amulet bags. For why? Because you end up with a cobbled bottom! Next time, I shall do as the book says and stitch it flat and zip up the side. Duh! Fortunately, the edging covered the crime quite nicely.
I had hoped to have the first reconstructed item from the deconstructed silk done, but not quite. The quality of the spinning was positively shameful. I don't know when I did it - ages ago. But dearie me, how bad can you get? Not entirely my fault with a lot of it, bad dye jobs abounded, with either the dye left in to mat the silk, or the temperature of the dyebath taken too high, to damage the lustre and make it difficult to draft. The better the silk, the better my spinning, but I do accept that I have problems with it. I always seem to do best with Royale Hare I still have a little in my stash, but otherwise must wait until next autumn for more.......
With a stack of ironing (wash my mouth out with soap) to do, not to mention some spinning
I wanted to do, we put the goggle box on and in the spirit of finishing things did watch the last two episodes of Lost. Series 1, we are way behind the rest of the world, although we are promised the second series very soon. This may be because the audience is waning a bit - we do need some answers, and I don't think we are going to get them any time soon. I still like it, but too many seriesssss and even I may fade. But we also watched the first episode of a new Beeb childrens serial, from a Terry Pratchett novel "Johnny and the Bomb". The Beeb have always done this sort of thing well, and this is fun - the "star" is a dead ringer for a younger Rupert Grint, both in appearance and talent.
OK, that'll do for now.
1 comment:
Pretty yarn, even prettier bag. And I'm with you on 'Lost' - what's the point of cliffhangers when the rest of the world knows what happens next in this internetted universe we live in.
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