Anyway, what with that and having to be up and dressed, if not conscious, at sparrow-fart because of announced visitation by gas engineer Nigel to service the boiler (do not read that in any other way whatsoever than heating/water-related), I have felt a bit jaded. And, adding insult to injury, for whatever reason this year, I have felt the clock-change badly, and when the light starts to slowly fade mid-afternoon, so do I. It seemed not unreasonable to do something other than doze in my armchair, I haven't quite reached that stage yet, but nothing too strenuous, maybe? So, I got the crochet project out. I have been making very little progress, I've mad a few false starts, but I am still not totally convinced by the elements I am planning on including. I like the stitch and the hook size, I'm getting a fabric that I like, but I want a little colour in there. After backing and filling a few more times this afternoon, this is where I am at.
Although I am checking obsessively, I am seeing the supposed straight edges as slanting. This could be due to inconsistencies in the yarn, and if so will probably not matter in the grand scheme of things, so I have decided to carry on for a while at least. I am trying to avoid adding my colours as edgings, but I suppose if I have to, so be it. If this doesn't work out, I do have a notion of sections where I alternate natural with colour, but I would have to carry yarn then which might be a bit thick....duh.....
Spun another quarter-bobbin of the alpaca and silk last night. It is very grey. I feel like I want to be spinning vibrant colour, but having started, I had better finish.
Tea. I need tea.
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