It is gorgeous.
See it and drool.
And it spins nicely, too.
I have lusted after a Timbertops wheel for ages, and this is my consolation prize for not going to SOAR this year. We went down to Anne and James Williamson's home in Leicestershire yesterday to pick it up, and had a lovely time with them. Their home is beautiful, and the garden fabulous - they encourage wildlife, and their pond is full of newts. And for the record, James makes a mean chocolate cake! My only regret is that I forgot to take my camera, so I can't post any pictures.
This is a Leicester (ahem - that's pronounced "Lester" - I do know that is one that causes difficulties to some!)wheel, made in natural oak. I'm really going to enjoy it.
Whilst on the subject of expensive acquisitions - this is the Patrick Green drum carder that I won on eBay.
It needed a little bit of work as it had obviously been standing unloved for a long time - I had to soak the drive band in very hot water, give it a thorough clean, refit the handle, adjust the feed tray so that the licker in didn't bind on it. But I got there, and have finally plucked up courage to try it out with some alpaca and sashe silk. It did the job very well. Interesting, though, looking at this photo I can see not only the dark brown of the alpaca, but also some of the gsg fleece that I thought I had removed all trace of - obviously not! Plus, the drum almost appears to be slightly off-set in the box. It works fine, without any binding or rubbing, and I don't think there is any problem - but I will check.
So I am going to have a quietish day playing with my toys, before girding my loins for a trip to York tomorrow. We really must go before we go to France, and I will actually try to fit in another visit if at all possible. Seems strange that we are off on holiday so soon - not only is it the wrong time of year, but the weather here is not in the least summery, so how come I am about to go on a summer holiday, eh?
And finally - many thanks to the Guardian for introducing me to this.
I have actually met her - she came past the house with her husband walking one day when I was doing indigo dyeing, and was very pleasant and interested. I think this is a hoot, and can only hope that the faceless backroom suits don't make her give it up.
And whilst on the subject of politics, I found out from the local paper what happened about the meeting we attempted to go to. The organisers had not invited the BNP candidate, and he requested that he be included. So they pulled the plug on the meeting, without making any effort to let anyone know. Now, let me be absolutely clear - I abhor and despise everything that the BNP stands for. But - they are a legal political party, and as such have the right to all the same campaigning methods as the rest, much as that might make me shudder. They should have been invited in the first place, and to cancel the meeting as was done was,frankly, cowardly as well as wrong. Indeed, possibly illegal. I'm on my soap box again, but this whole issue is one that is really getting to me at the moment, so no apologies!
1 comment:
Oh it is so beautiful!
Don't you just want to keep stroking it and say "it's mine" it's mine? I know you'll let Pete have a go on it and before long you'll be lusting after another and another and another.......... Maggie brought me a gift last nite and was so proud of herself. I thought it was a toy so I told her to drop it in my hand and got a cold slimy dead baby jay that had fallen out of the nest. What a way to fall asleep. The drum carder looks like mine in that the drum isn't centered.
But it works just fine. Have a good day in York and concentrate on the coming of spring and let the rest roll off your back. Love to all esp the boys.
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