We had a somewhat hectic weekend, what with Saturday involving three separate activities - visiting mama, shopping and having a meal with DB/SIL. Mama was fine; the shopping was highly successful - a new luggage combo for me, a wheeled suitcase with a wheeled carry-on that slots on top over the handle so both can be dragged along in one hand at the same time, and three new floor lamps for the sitting room, ridiculously cheap courtesy of Ikea; and the socialising and meal good.
Then Sunday, we had another meet-up of the HB knitters, in Tod this time at The Bear. Very nice, pleasant company, nice lunch and The Sun Was Shining.
The other thing we did on Sunday was put harnesses on the kits - which they were not too thrilled with - and open the door to the big outside world. To my amazement, they were not off and away, but were quite timid. A couple of times, cars came down the lane, and they shot like rockets back into the house, which was very clever of them but I had to follow on the end of the lead - quite a picture. We haven't been able to do it since, though, as the rain returned. Sigh. The house is growing moss. Sometimes I feel that I am, too.
Tuesday was the OH Book Group, which was wonderful. We had been reading - or rather, attempting to read John Updike's "Couples". Not one of us finished it, and we spent an enjoyable hour trashing it, before moving on into more important discourse on the phenomena of late middle age. Most satisfying!
And yesterday, we were all at Magrat's, ostensibly for NO and M to warp up a loom, and for me to supply them with beverages and spin. However, in the end, it turned into nothing more than a gabfest. And a trashing of another icon, one M Thatcher, who M reckons is her idol and the rest of us despise utterly. so conversation can get .....heated.
So - the scattershot approach to fibre work. The circles crochet shawl is turning in to a scarf. Insufficient yarn for a good size. But it will, I think, work as a scarf.
And spinning? White-faced Woodland four-ply nearly completed and looking good, plus some of the Babe being dragged out for sampling. The staple length is such that I can long or short draw, so I thought if I spin up a goodly quantity, we could take it with us in October for knitting all sorts of samples for next year.
And I continue with the Meadow Flowers (I never can be sure if that name is right) shawl. I really think I am in the final straight now.
Tomorrow, we jet off to Cornwall to visit MIL, goody. It is always a real pleasure to spend time with her, plus I get to see the sea. I don't care if it is raining, I'm paddling!